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miembros anteriores del eQuipo

Karla Flores, B.S.

Ayudante de Investigación de Pregrado

Karla Flores graduated from the University of Houston, with a Bachelor of Science in Psychology and a minor in Health. Karla joined LABHRT because of her interest in researching how risk behaviors affect the lives of Hispanic/Latinx communities. In LABHRT, she contributed with social media connections, translation of project measures from English-Spanish, and establishing relationships with the Hispanic community. She plans to attend graduate school and obtain a Master’s of Science in Clinical Mental Health Counseling. In the future, she wants to be able to provide affordable therapy to those who struggle with harmful behaviors in the Hispanic/Latinx community. 


Karla loves dogs and enjoys taking walks at the park with her little chihuahua. She was born in El Salvador and loves to travel to her birth country and spend time with family.

Domenica Cartagenova, B.S. B.A.

Ayudante de Investigación


Domenica Cartagenova se graduó de la Universidad Texas A&M con un B.S de Sociología y un B.A español.  Se unió a LABHRT en el verano de 2019 como Asistente de Investigación debido a su interés en la atención médica preventiva y su experiencia previa en investigación en raza y efectos de etnia en la sociedad. Como asistente de investigación quiere poder participar en la divulgación comunitaria, y aprender más sobre los aspectos de salud mental de las disparidades de salud latinas. Domenica comenzará un post-bachillerato en Nutrición. Ella espera continuar su educación para seguir una carrera en la atención primaria y medicina preventiva. En su tiempo libre, Domenica disfruta estar al aire libre, correr y pasar tiempo con su familia.

Daniela Arenas,  B.S.

Coordinadora de Investigación


Verano 2019

Crystal Hernandez

Ayudante de Investigación de Pregrado

Katherine Balderrama  Najera  

Estudiante de Estudio de Pregrado

Verano 2019

Daniela Arenas is an alumni from the College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences at the University of Houston with a B.S. in Kinesiology – health profession. She is a native Mexican, first-generation college graduate with 10 years of experience in the clinical field & health research. She joined the LABHRT in August of 2019 as a research coordinator because she cares about educating the Latinx community about mental and behavioral health issues. functioned as a full-time research coordinator in LABHRT where she primarily worked in the implementation of project PRESENT, including community engagement, screening for eligibility criteria, baseline and follow-up visits with participants, as well as development of detailed project procedures. She also coordinated group meetings and assisted with IRB modifications and community events.  


In her spare time Daniela enjoys meditating, journaling and spending time with her family and her four dogs.

Crystal Hernandez graduated from the College of Education at the University of Houston. She majored in Public Health and minored in Biology. Her interest are in community engagement and health promotion in the Hispanic/Latinx community. In LABHRT, she contributed with social media connections, Spanish-language needs of the projects, and establishing relationships with the Hispanic community. 


In her spare time, she enjoys spending time with family and friends, watching shows, or exploring Houston.

Katherine es una estudiante en la Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Matemáticas. Se especializa en Biología Matemática y se sub-especializa en Psicología. Se unió a LABHRT en el verano 2019 como parte del Programa de Experiencia Urbana “CITE Internship”. Katherine tiene como objetivo asistir a la escuela de medicina y un día abrir clínicas de bajo costo para ayudar a la comunidad latinx desatendida. Actualmente, como pasante, espera poder adquirir experiencia sobre la promoción de la salud y las iniciativas de investigación dentro de la comunidad latina. Katherine sigue explorando sus intereses de investigación. En su tiempo libre, le gusta escuchar música, resolver Sudokus, y pasar tiempo con su familia.

Morgan McNeel, B.A.

Asistente de Investigación de Posgrado


Morgan McNeel fue un asistente de investigación de estudiantes graduados para LABHRT. Recibió su licenciatura en Psicología de la Universidad Rice con una licenciatura en Neurociencia en mayo del 2015. Después de graduarse, trabajó como asistente de investigación y coordinadora clínica en la Clínica de Neuropsicología del Desarrollo del Centro de Ciencias de la Salud de UT, con niños con trastornos del neurodesarrollo y sus familias. Morgan continúa trabajando para su Ph.D. en psicología escolar en la Universidad de Houston. ¡En su tiempo libre, Morgan disfruta viajar, la fotografia, y explorar todo lo que Houston tiene para ofrecer!

Josée Kahambwe 

Asistente de Investigación de Pregrado


Lena Musoka 

Asistente de Investigación de Pregrado


Josée se unió a la LABHRT en otoño de 2016. Se está especializando en Salud y se sub-especializa en Biología. Aunque sigue explorando sus intereses de investigación, está interesada en la promoción de la salud. En particular, ella está interesada en las razones detrás de las decisiones de comportamiento de las personas y lo que se puede hacer para ayudarles a involucrarse en comportamientos que impactarán positivamente su salud. En el futuro, aspira a obtener una maestría en salud pública y estudiar medicina. Josee fue pasante para la LABHRT durante el verano de 2018. Esta experiencia le ha ayudado a entender mejor los procedimientos para implementar un estudio y fortalecer sus habilidades analíticas. A través de su experiencia como pasante, estudio la relación entre el sueño, la atención plena (mindfullness) y la tolerancia a la angustia. Presentó sus hallazgos durante el Día de Investigación de Grado en UH. Durante su tiempo libre, le gusta pasar tiempo con sus amigos, leer y escuchar música.

Lena se unió a LABHRT en otoño de 2016. Está interesada específicamente en la salud ambiental. Después de sus estudios, desea regresar a su país de origen, donde le gustaría trabajar en mejorar el entorno ambiental de las poblaciones desfavorecidas, concentrándose en los resultados sanitarios de la contaminación del aire o del agua. Como voluntaria con el equipo de investigación en salud personal y conductual, adquirió más conocimiento sobre el impacto de los hábitos insalubres como fumar y beber. Sus pasatiempos incluyen tocar instrumentos musicales, cocinar y jugar juegos de mesa

Roseann John, B.A.

Asistente de Investigación de Pregrado


Roseann se graduó recientemente en Salud Pública de la Facultad de Educación. Se unió al laboratorio y completó su pasantía en el otoño de 2018. A lo largo de su pasantía, aprendió mucho sobre reclutamiento, transcripción y análisis cualitativo. Esta experiencia ha aumentado su interés en intervenciones para dejar de fumar y en la salud de los latinos. En LABHRT, sus responsabilidades incluyeron seleccionar a los participantes para los diversos proyectos en curso y ayudar con la implementación del estudio cualitativo. Sus intereses de investigación incluyen estrés, dejar de fumar, ansiedad y depresión. En el futuro, planea obtener un título en Administración de salud con la esperanza de mejorar los resultados de los pacientes y hacer una diferencia positiva en el campo de la atención médica. En su tiempo libre, le gusta viajar, cocinar y pasar tiempo con familiares y amigos.

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Amanda Broyles, M.Ed.

Asistente de Investigación de Posgrado

Verano 2016-2019

Amanda es una estudiante de tercer año en el programa de doctorado de Psicología de la Consejería en la Facultad de Educación. Sus intereses personales de investigación incluyen cómo el papel de género socializado afecta el comportamiento violento, particularmente la violencia de género. En LABHRT trabajó en un proyecto que examinó la relación de atención plena (mindfullness) y el efecto negativo en diversas conductas de riesgo para la salud (incluyendo el tabaco y el consumo excesivo de alcohol). También ayudó con un proyecto que implica el desarrollo de una intervención ACT culturalmente adaptada para los latinos fumadores que tienen síntomas de depresión y/o ansiedad. En su tiempo libre, disfruta practicar yoga, explorar muchos restaurantes de Houston, y relajarse en casa con su gato.

Kimberly Smoots, B.A.

Asistente de Investigación de Posgrado

Verano 2019

Kimberly es graduada universitaria de primera generación en el programa de Psicología Escolar de Ph.D. en la Universidad de Houston. Ella está en su tercer año del programa. Sus intereses de investigación incluyen atención plena, intervenciones para trastornos/problemas emocionales, conductuales y mentales, entrenamiento de los padres y temas multiculturales en el campo de la psicología. Está interesada en trabajar con niños que tienen trastornos conductuales, emocionales y mentales y jóvenes cultural y linguísticamente diversos, especialmente jóvenes latinos. En LABHRT, ella estaba ayudando con la adaptación cultural de la Terapia de Aceptación y Compromiso para los latinos / fumadores que tienen síntomas de depresión y / o ansiedad. En su tiempo libre, le gusta cantar, bailar, leer, pasar tiempo con su familia y amigos y hacer ejercicio (cuando puede).

Hector Jay Perez, B.S. 

Asistente de Investigación de Pregrado


Hector Jay Perez graduated at the University of Houston. He joined LABHRT in Summer 2018. He is currently majoring in Health Promotion and minoring in Psychology.  

His research interests are smoking, childhood obesity, and HIV/AIDS.  Hector plans to go to nursing school when he graduates in December 2018, and he wants to become a Doctor of Nursing Practice eventually. During his time at LABHRT, he learned the basics about research in general and tobacco use, in particular. He had a supporting role in project implementation as well as the Spanish-related needs of the lab. He joined community health fairs related to tobacco education. 


During his free time, Hector enjoys photography, working out, and swimming. 

Haidar Iman, B.S.

Asistente de Investigación de Pregrado


Haidar is currently graduated from the University of Houston majoring in Public Health and minoring in Biology. In exposure to health and natural science classes, a particular spark of interest he developed was studying the role that these subjects play in the community.

Throughout community events, helping others an objective to him, but finding ways to prevent health disparities and issues is an objective as well. Making deductions about problems is his method of approach. Reasons behind answers are far more precious than answers themselves. At LABHRT, he got exposed to the tobacco control literature and helped to develop a power point on this topic in order to deliver education to the community. He provided input to team members work. 


His hobbies include exercising, playing the guitar, and good video-gaming.

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Erin Reid, B.A.

Asistente de Investigación de Posgrado


Erin graduated from school psychology doctoral student in the Department of Psychological, Health, and Learning Sciences at the University of Houston. She has a bachelor’s degree in psychology from the University of Virginia and worked as a special education teacher with Teach for America before returning to graduate school. With LABHRT, Erin studied behavioral health among under-served populations, with a focus on research methodology. She led a publication entitled Researching cancer risk behaviors among bilingual Latinos using technology and an intensive longitudinal design. Erin studied behavioral health among under-served populations, with a focus on research methodology. She now applies these research experiences in her work on early intervention practices to prevent educational injustices and promote student success.


When she isn't working on research projects, Erin enjoys going to the theater and practicing yoga. 

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Jocelyn Abrams, Ph.D.

Asistente de Investigación de Posgrado


Dr. Jocelyn Abrams completed a Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology for UH, and currently worked as a psychologist at Michael E. DeBakey VA Medical center. During her curriculum, she did many internships and worked as a Graduate Research Assistant for  Dr. Correa-Fernandez from 2015-2016. Her research interests are in trauma and substance use disorders.

During her time at LABHRT, she contributed to the set up of the research team, including the development of policies and procedures. She also participated in a co-authored publication related to depressive symptom domains and alcohol use severity among Hispanic emerging adults.  


In her free time, she enjoys spending time with family and friends, cook and listen to music.

Valentina Friedl

Undegraduate Research Assistant

Valentina graduated at the University of Houston, majoring in Health on the Public Health track and minoring in Biology. Valentina joined LABHRT as a volunteer during Spring 2021 seeking research experience, interested in health disparities affecting local communities in Houston. Valentina plans on working in her field before pursuing a Master's. She completed her undergraduate internship in LABHRT and continued her involvement due to her interest in health disparities research. During her time in LABHRT, she had a key role in project PERSPECTIVAS, where she assisted with participants’ recruitment and screening, and functioned as notetaker during individual interviews. She also assisted in the transcription and quality control of the interviews, and other implementation procedures. Valentina also assisted with Spanish-language needs of the lab.  


She spends her free time enjoying the outdoors and trying new foods with her sister around Houston, or traveling back to Colombia to see her family.

Anayeli Euceda

Undegraduate Research Assistant

Anayeli Euceda graduated  from the College of Education at the University of Houston. She majored in Health on the Public Health track and minoring in Biology. Anayeli joined LABHRT in Fall 2021 seeking experience, and to be able to understand firsthand how research is utilized to target challenging health disparities among her Latino community. During her short time in LABHRT she assisted with community engagement as well as the implementation of project PERSPECTIVAS including assisting as note taker and interview transcriber. Anayeli plans to work in the health care field before pursuing her Master’s.


During her free time, she enjoys hiking, playing music, and exploring new places around Houston with her friends and family. 

Cielo Torres

Undegraduate Research Assistant

Cielo Torres graduated from the College of Education at the University of Houston.  She majored in Health on the Public Health track with a minor in Chemistry. She joined LABHRT in Fall 2021 seeking experience in research and health behavior theory. During her time in LABHRT she assisted with community engagement as well as the implementation of project PERSPECTIVAS including assisting as note taker, interview transcriber, and interview coder. She also led social media communication and website updates for the lab. She plans to work in Health Promotion before pursuing her Master's.


In her free time, Cielo likes to listen to music, take pictures and visit different coffee shops. 

Marialuisa Aldama

Undegraduate Research Assistant

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Marialuisa graduated from the University of Houston, she pursued a dual degree in Health on the Public Health track and in Psychology. Marialuisa joined LABHRT as an Intern during Spring 2022 seeking new research experience and opportunities. She completed her undergraduate internship in LABHRT. Throughout her internship, she learned about qualitative research and primarily assisted with project PERSPECTIVAS. She engaged in community outreach, participants’ recruitment and scheduling, notetaking during interviews, and transcriptions. She also assisted in qualitative data analyses and led the dissemination of preliminary findings via a presentation at the PHLS Research Symposium 2022.  She is interested in the psychological disparities affecting the health of the Latinx community.

Marialuisa plans on working in her field before pursuing a Doctorate in Clinical Psychology.


She spends her free time playing with her dog Bo and Bella, watching true crime, and reading a good book when possible.

Ingrid Yrra, B.S.

Undergraduate Intern

Spring 2019

Ingrid joined LABHRT in Fall 2018. She received a degree in Public Health and a minor in Nutrition. She was an intern at LABHRT and contributed to the Linguistic Adaptation project, which included the translation of several project measures as well as participant’s booklet from English to Spanish. She also helped coordinate the Community Advisory Board for this project. Ingrid also contributed to the development of power point presentations about tobacco control and participated in community-based health fairs. Ingrid continues to explore her research interests. She aspires to help the Latinxs community and continue her education.


In her spare time, she spends time with family and friends and walks her dogs.

Melanie Gallego, B.S.

Undergraduate Intern


Melanie studied Public health in the College of Education with a minor in Biology. She continued her career as a Physician’s Assistant. Throughout her studies, she has also discovered an interest in smoking cessation, leading her to work with the Latino and Behavioral Health Research team. At LABHRT, she discovered an interest in smoking cessation and how to integrate this knowledge in future clinical work. Melanie was very proactive in connecting with the Hispanic serving sector in the Houston community and also took a lead role in screening development and participant recruitment initiatives.  

By incorporating the reasons for behavioral choices and also acquiring knowledge for smoking cessation, she plans to integrate this into her future work with patients.


In her spare time, she enjoys playing instruments, exercising, and watching documentaries.

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Andrés Muñoz

High school Student Intern 

Summer 2018 

During the time of his internship, Andres Munoz was a senior at Michael E. DeBakey High School for Health Professions. In his pursuit of a career in medicine, he hopes the research team will serve as a place to learn more about the realm of the health sciences through the eyes of psychology and tobacco research. Now he is in College and aim to pursue a career in medicine. During his time at LABHRT, he learned the basics about qualitative research and help analyze data from two qualitative interviews aimed at informing a new project. He also collaborated in the linguistic adaptation project by helping to establish connections with the Spanish-speaking community. Although he was a short-term addition to the team, Andres was able to expand his knowledge and develop meaningful relationships that will aid him in his academic path.


His hobbies include baseball, playing piano going to the movie, and hiking, and camping. 

Bryn Seerker, B.A.

Independent Study 

Summer 2017 

Bryn graduated from the University of Houston with a Bachelor of Science in public health. She majored in Health with a minor in Family Studies. During her summer internship at LABHRT, she joined a collaborative project examining tobacco-related knowledge, attitudes, and practices among infectious disease providers in Argentina. She completed a subproject on the topic and presented her findings at UH Undergraduate Research Day. She worked at M.D. Anderson Cancer Center as a clinical study coordinator on a circulating tumor study. She loves her job and plans to continue her education to get a Ph.D. in Epidemiology after taking a year to focus on her current position.


Some of her hobbies include playing board games, engaging in her community to promote local election voting as well as advocating for at-risk minority groups. She also volunteers with Houston Pets Alive and enjoys camping and hiking with her dog, Kira. 


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Augusta Ezem, B.A. 

Undergraduate Independent Study 


Fall 2016 - Spring 2017

Augusta is UH graduate with a major in public health and double minors in sociology and biology. During her undergraduate, she took an independent study session with Dr. Correa Fernandez. She had always been interested in research, but she did not know how to gain the right foundation. During her time at LABHRT as an independent study student, she gained a solid foundation on research principles and methods, as well as critical thinking. Her research topic was titled Epigenetics and the effects of maternal smoking on offspring. It was challenging but, in the end, she was inspired, grateful, and often refers to this experience as her most valuable college experience. She is currently on route to medical school in hopes of acquiring an MD/MPH degree soon where she hopes to continue her pursuit and appreciation for research

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Dr. Han Joe Kim

Assistant Professor 

Dr. Kim is an Assistant Professor at the University of Houston. His research interest is in survival analysis, multilevel (clustered) data analysis, propensity score analysis, mediation and moderation analysis, measurement invariance, item response theory, and utilizing quantitative methods for intervention research. Also, his newest interests are in developing and evaluating intelligent tutoring systems (ITS).


Tobechi is a 4th year undergraduate student at the University of Houston majoring in Health with a concentration in Public Health and minoring in Psychology. She joined LABHRT because of her interest in minority healthcare and healthcare disparities. She plans to attend graduate school and get a Masters in Public Health in Epidemiology and possibly go to medical school. In her spare time she enjoys traveling, exploring and DJing.

Tobechi Dimkpa

Undergraduate Research Assistant

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