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Meet The Team

Dr. Virmarie Correa-Fernández


La Dra. Virmarie Correa-Fernández es Profesora en el Departamento de Ciencias Psicológicas, de la Salud y del Aprendizaje . Ella es Psicóloga Clínica, Especialista Certificada en Tratamiento de Tabaco y ha estado trabajando en el campo de la cesación del tabaco por más de 15 años. Su enfoque principal de investigación consiste en examinar:

  1. Los determinantes psicosociales y moderadores (por ejemplo, autoeficacia, expectativas de resultados, apoyo social) de diferentes hitos del abandono del tabaquismo (por ejemplo, abstinencia inicial, cese a largo plazo, recuperación del lapso).

  2. La eficacia de los tratamientos basados en la evidencia (EBT), en particular la Terapia de Aceptación y Compromiso (ACT), para la co-morbilidad de la dependencia del tabaco con otros problemas de salud conductual.

  3. Las adaptaciones culturales y linguísticas de ACT para fumadores latinos con estas co-morbilidades. A través de su beca financiada por el "American Cancer Society's Mentored Research Scholar Grant (MRSG-15-018-01-CPPB"), la Dra. Correa-Fernández está adaptando una intervención telefónica ACT para que sea factible y aceptable para el tratamiento de la dependencia del tabaco y la depresión y ansiedad entre Latinx.

Las áreas secundarias, pero complementarias, de interés de investigación incluyen la investigación traslacional (por ejemplo, la implementación de EBT para la dependencia del tabaco en entornos de atención de salud mental, la creación de capacidad para profesionales de la salud), la comprensión y la promoción de participación en la investigación de salud conductual y las intervenciones psicosociales, y la investigación participativa basada en la comunidad.


La Dra. Correa-Fernández es una amante del café, y en su tiempo libre le gusta trotar, leer, viajar y pasar tiempo con amigos y familia, incluyendo visitar su ciudad natal, Puerto Rico.


Luane es una estudiante de primer año de doctorado en el programa de Psicología y Consejería bajo el asesoramiento de la Dra. Correa-Fernandez. Originaria de Brasil, recibió su Licenciatura y Maestría en Psicología en la Universidad Federal de Juiz de Fora (UFJF). Se unió a LABHRT este otoño de 2020 a la misma ves que comenzó sus estudios doctorales. Luane a estado trabajando con múltiples tipos de asesoramiento tales como intervenciones basadas en la atención plena, y evaluación de rasgo de atención plena. También, ella a estudiado con otros tipos de asesoramiento que miden el efecto relacionado con diferentes tratamientos para dejar de fumar. Adicionalmente, ella es una terapeuta cognitiva contactual certificada (CBT) en Brasil y a trabajado con clientes por más de dos años. Sus metas consisten en ser maestra, continuar investigando sobre el tabaco. Sus pasatiempos preferidos incluyen en hacer ejercicio, meditar, ver series en televisión, cocinar saludable e ir al cine.

Luane Araújo Rabello, M.S.

Doctoral Advisee

Wilmer is a third-year graduate student in the Counseling Psychology program. He graduated from the University of Houston Clear Lake with a master’s in clinical psychology.  Wilmer is interested in researching the interactions between the environment and personality and their effects on individuals’ susceptibility to tobacco and other substance use. In addition, he seeks to identify if different individuals respond to prevention campaigns and interventions differently based on personality and environmental interactions. He is also interested in the health disparities, particularly interactions between medical providers and patients that may lead to negative interactions. Other interests include learning about the influence of personality in the development of resiliency and the decision-making process.  Other hobbies include spending time with family, online gaming, and martial arts.

Wilmer Lugo, M.A. 

Doctoral Advisee

Corissa is a third-year graduate student in the Counseling Psychology program. She graduated from the University of Houston Clear Lake with a Masters in Marriage and Family Therapy.  She is interested in exploring how the dynamics of an individual’s relationships impact the outcome of treatment for substance use disorders in Hispanic/Latinx populations and the role of dyadic interventions in decreasing addiction lapses. Secondary interests include exploring the implementation of community practices as an aim towards increasing participation in health-focused research within historically marginalized populations, understanding risks that contribute to cannabis use specifically within second and third generation Hispanics, and examining intergenerational strengths and stressors. When outside the classroom, she enjoys discovering new music, running, and collecting more shoes than she should. 

Corissa Barrow M.A  

Doctoral Advisee

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Victor Vergara is a second-year doctoral student in the Counseling Psychology program at the University of Houston. Under the mentorship of Dr. Correa-Fernandez, his research is centered on employing scientific methods to uncover disparities within the Latino community. Additionally, he is intrigued by the intersection of counseling psychology and neuropsychology, particularly in relation to active military personnel and veterans. He is keen to explore how neuropsychological evaluations and cognitive health assessments can inform and enhance counseling interventions, to support their mental well-being and optimal functioning. His academic journey includes an undergraduate degree from Western Kentucky University and a Master's in Health Psychology from Universidad Javeriana in Colombia. Beyond his academic pursuits, he is passionate about sports, maintaining an active lifestyle, and enjoying the company of family and friends.

Victor Vergara M.S.

Doctoral Advisee

Gerardo Fajardo is an post-baccalaureate student at the University of Houston. He graduated in December 2021. He is majored in Health with a focus on Health Promotion and a minor in Psychology. Gerardo has an interest in mental health and how people are developing different types of mental disorders and what are different ways that can help them cope with their mental health disorders. His hobbies include spending time with his family like playing Mario kart or Mario party.

Gerardo Fajardo, B.S.

Research Assistant

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Leslie is a graduate of the University of Houston, where she majored in Health with a focus on Public Health and minored in Business Administration. She is currently pursuing her Master of Public Health with a concentration in Epidemiology at UTHealth Houston School of Public Health. As a research staff member with LABHRT, Leslie is passionate about addressing health disparities within Latine/Hispanic ethnic groups. Her research interests include biostatistics, epidemiology, public health intervention, and chronic diseases, to design and analyze studies to improve health outcomes.


Some of her past time hobbies are weight-lifting, running, cooking. drawing, and traveling to her home country, El Salvador. 

Leslie Zuleith Benavidez

Research Staff


Ariel graduated in May 2024 with a Bachelor of Science in Health and a minor in Medicine & Society. He joined LABHRT due to his interest in researching casual factors that affect health behaviors in minority communities and health disparities in these communities. Ariel plans to pursue master's degrees in both Health Promotion and Education, as well as in Epidemiology. Eventually, he plans to earn a doctorate degree in Public Health with a concentration in Health Promotion and Health Education. 


During his spare time, he likes to read, spend time with friends, and watch reality TV competition shows and documentaries. 

Ariel J, Amaya Quintanilla 

Research Assistant

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Adalberto was a senior at the University of Houston, pursuing a degree in Health with a concentration in Public Health and a minor in Biology. He joined LABHRT to deepen his understanding of how tobacco impacts oral health in Latino communities and to expand his research experience. After graduation, he planned to attend dental school to further his career in dentistry.


Adalberto enjoyed playing the drums, running, tutoring, and volunteering at various dental clinics in his spare time. He is open to continue collaborating.

Adalberto Zuniga

Undergraduate Research Intern

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Daniela was a senior at the Tecnológico de Monterrey in Mexico, majoring in Clinical and Health Psychology. Her intrigue for research and understanding more about the biopsychosocial factors impacting health, particularly those related to culture, led her to join LABHRT. She was specifically interested in exploring how these factors impact Latino communities and the unique challenges that Latinos face in a different country. Daniela's goal was to pursue a master’s degree that will allow her to become a psychotherapist, to better support others and improve their mental health. 


In her free time, she enjoyed reading, watching movies and TV shows, listening to music, and spending quality time with her close friends and family. She is open to continue collaborating.

Daniela Hernandez Dehesa

Undergraduate Research Intern

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Perla is an undergraduate senior at the University of Houston, pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Health, with a Public Health concentration and a minor in Psychology. She joined LABHRT to deepen her understanding of health disparities among Latine/Hispanic ethnic groups and continue to clarify her career goals. In her free time, she enjoys baking, spending time with her family, and in nature.

Perla R. Medrano Gomez

Undergraduate Research Intern

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Brissa is a Senior at The University of Houston, majoring in Health and minoring in Sociology. She joined LABHRT because of her interest in research, as well as how health behaviors play a role in overall health. She is also conducting research under the American Heart Association as a Hispanic Serving Institute Scholar which focuses on HIV/AIDS stigmatization and access to care among the Latino community. Brissa plans to pursue a Master’s in Epidemiology at UT Health Houston in the fall and eventually a PhD in Epidemiology. Some fun facts include she loves to read and watch movies.

Brissa Aranda

Undergraduate Research Intern

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Jaime is an undergraduate senior at the Tecnológico de Monterrey University in México, studying to get his degree in Clinical and Health Psychology. He came to LABHRT as a full-time intern for an international experience in his career. He choose it because of his interest in Tobacco addictions, looking to broaden his knowledge on how to assist people who smoke and giving them support on how to quit. Jaime has plans to specialize in clinical practice with elderly populations, hoping to get a Masters degree in ACT. He likes to read, write, fold origami, play the piano, cook, eat, sleep, and more. One fun fact that you may not know about him is that he has played in seventeen different concerts as a School of Rock band member.

Jaime Luis Cantu Gonzalez

Undergraduate Research Intern



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